Get Involved!
Want to help improve your local area?
There are several ways you too can get involved – at a level of commitment to suit yourself - in making this venture a big success and something to build on for future generations. We believe everyone has a part to play or something to contribute. Become a Core Group Member We currently have vacancies for Core members which means you will sit on the committee to drive, facilitate and shape change and development in our community. Please contact us anytime for details.
All of us are volunteers. If you have some free time or a skill to share for the benefit of others, we would love for you to share it so that we can channel it in the right direction. Volunteering is particularly valued when we are running events such as our Fun Days and we need all hands on deck.
Stay informed
Add your name to our mailing list to keep updated about upcoming events, new developments and initiatives. Also like and ask to join our Facebook page – Manor Farm Community Hub, and, of course, log onto this website too!
Contribute Ideas
Use our Facebook page to share your ideas and suggestions or email or phone us. Soon we will want ideas on what you would like to see happen in the centre and any ways in which you may be able to help make these ideas a reality.
Current Vacancies
MFCH seeks new core group members
Manor Farm Community Hub are looking for several new Core Group members with the time and enthusiasm to join us and help in our final push to secure the lease to run the new community facility on the site of St. Peters EPH and to share in shaping what the facility will offer the community. For further information about who we are and what we do please apply (if you are not already a member) to join our Facebook group Manor Farm Community hub, look at our website, and call Anna George on 07851 430 080 to arrange to meet with other members of our small but friendly group to discuss things further.